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Year 1 Highlights

Insights from 1,400+ Healthcare stakeholders

The 2020 Beyond Intervention research report surveyed over 1,400 healthcare patients, physicians and healthcare administrators to answer the question: how can vascular patient care be improved? The survey explored how various technologies and data can help unlock better solutions.

Top Report Highlights & Trends

  • Patients want more individualized, personalized care:

    • 72% of patients responded that health data that “lets my doctor see my problem and act on it in a tailored-for-me-manner” is very important.
    • 61% want their doctors to use new technologies that monitor progress and provide information to show that the treatment is working.

72% of patients want more personalized, data-informed care

  • Physicians live in a data world – and need better ways to harness it:

    • 55% of physicians feel they do not have enough time to spend with patients and 42% want more insight into aftercare and patient adherence.
    • 88% of physicians prioritize having patient history information, but only 30% report the ability to easily access it.1 Similarly, 83% of physicians believe that access to medication adherence information is important, but only 17% can easily retrieve it electronically.

55% of physicians say limited time with patients is a major barrier

  • Administrators need to deliver more value – by looking ‘beyond intervention’

    • 88% of administrators named patient satisfaction as highly important to the overall procedure experience in the hospital
    • 46% of administrators say the lack of appropriate tools to aid with medication adherence and lifestyle change are a barrier to better care for patients; misdiagnoses or inability to property diagnose was an additional barrier identified by 41%

88% of administrators named patient satisfaction as highly important to the overall procedure experience in the hospital


Technology has the potential to help connect the dots across the care continuum - not just at the point of intervention.

 Technology and data

Abbott leaders reflect on the challenges of treating vascular disease today and look beyond intervention

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  1. Tracey Walker, “Survey Uncovers Key Gaps in Provider Access to Patient Data" Managed Healthcare Executive, May 4, 2018

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