This testimonial relays an account of an individual's response to treatment. This patient's account is genuine, typical, and documented. However, it does not provide any indication, guide, warranty or guarantee as to the response other persons may have to the treatment. Responses to treatment discussed can and do vary and are specific to the individual patient.
Lowers pulmonary artery (PA) pressure1
Reduces the risk of mortality at 2 years in HFrEF patients2
Reduces heart failure hospitalization (HFH) at 2 years3
Reduces 30-day HFH readmissions4
Significantly improves quality of life as early as 3 months post-implant5
Proven benefits regardless of ejection fraction1,6
Device the size of a paperclip
Presymptomatic data means more time to optimize GDMT
Suitable for right or left PA placement
Unmatched experience that’s continuously growing:
MAT-2407600 v1.0
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