Disrupt the Progression of Heart Failure

Disrupt the Progression of Heart Failure

Heart failure is complicated and can be challenging to effectively manage. You have options to help prevent undertreatment and improve clinical outcomes for your heart failure patients.1

Your Actions are Critical

Recognizing subtle or overt signs of heart failure and heart failure progression is critical for long-term survival and quality of life. There are medical device therapies that can help provide options beyond medications.

Approximately 1 in 2 people with HF will die within 5 years

Heart Failure and Its Challenges

Now is the time to act.

1 in 5 people will develop HF in their life.3

1 in 5 people will develop heart failure

Women are more symptomatic and have poorer quality of life.4

Women are more symptomatic

Heart failure can be difficult to manage.  Know what signs to look for.5

Heart failure can be difficult to manage
Heart Failure and it's Challenges

Heart Failure Patient Education Resources

What is Heart Failure?

What is Heart Failure?

Heart Failure poster
Patient Education Resources

Heart Failure Publications

Heart failure publications

Biomarkers in routine heart failure clinic care

Identifying heart failure in patients presenting the first time can be challenging. Could BNP as a marker help catch patients earlier in their heart failure diagnosis and guide therapy?

Heart Failure represents a major global health problem in Europe and worldwide

The ESC has created a position paper to help clinicians better understand the burden of HF in Europe given mortality and poor QOL remain unchanged despite advances in therapy and prevention.

Impact analysis of heart failure across European countries: an ESC-HFA position paper

Options Beyond Medical Therapy

Technology can help to better optimize heart failure medications and support your patients as their heart failure advances. Learn more about how each of these devices can help you and your patients.

Options beyond medical therapy

Advanced Heart Failure Diagnostic Checklist

As heart failure progresses there are clinical events and triggers. Recognize the symptoms of advancing heart failure in your patients.5

Advanced heart failure diagnostic checklist


  1. Morris, A, Shah KS, Enciso JS, et al. The Impacts of Health Care Disparities on Patients with Heart Failure. J Card Fail. 2022 Jul;28(7):1169-1184. Jessup M, et al. N Engl J Med. 2003. 
  2. Roger VL, Go AS, Lloyd-Jones DM, et al. A report from the American Heart Association. Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics—2012 Update. Circulation. 2012;125(1):e2-e220.doi:10.1161/CIR.0b013e31823ac046.
  3. Cowie Mr, Anker SD Cleland JGF, et all Improving care for patients with acute HF: befor during and after. ESC HF 2014.
  4. Mary Norine Walsh, Mariell Jessup, JoAnn Lindenfeld (2019) Women With Heart Failure: Unheard, Untreated, and Unstudied, Journal of the American College of Cardiology, vol 73, n°1, p. 41-43, doi.org/10.1016/j.jacc.2018.10.041.
  5. Ambrosy AP, Fonarow GC, Butler J, et al. The Global health and Economic Burden of Hospitalizations. 2014.

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