Can you walk down a flight of stairs without stopping?

Can you shower without becoming short of breath and stopping?

Can you do light chores without becoming short of breath and stopping?

Can you make a bed without becoming short of breath and stopping?

Can you take a leisurely walk around your neighborhood without becoming short of breath and stopping? (equivalent to a 24-minute mile)?

Can you bowl or play golf without becoming short of breath and stopping?

Can you push a power lawn mower without becoming short of breath and stopping?

Can you dress without becoming short of breath and stopping?

Can you walk down a flight of stairs without stopping?

Can you carry anything up a flight of stairs without stopping?

Can you engage in sexual intercourse without becoming short of breath and stopping?

Can you garden, rake or weed without becoming short of breath and stopping?

Can you ride a bicycle, dance, or do similar activities without becoming short of breath and stopping?

Can you walk briskly from a parking lot to a doctor's office or store without becoming short of breath and stopping (equivalent to a 15 minute mile)?

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