Connect With Someone Like You

Talk with someone who has heart failure

Request a call

Did you know there is a community of heart failure survivors, helping to spread the word about how they are living with heart failure? To get more perspective about living with heart failure, you can speak one-on-one with someone about their experience living with heart failure.

It's easy to get connected. Fill out the form below and a member from our support team will contact you. Then, an ambassador will reach out to talk with you about their journey with heart failure.

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Last Name: must be filled in. Field not filled in expected format.
Phone: must be filled in. Field not filled in expected format.
E-mail Address: must be filled in. Field not filled in expected format.
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 * I agree to Abbott's privacy policy

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* I have read and agree with the Terms and Conditions

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By completing and submitting this form, you are granting Abbott permission to share the information you have provided, including your personal health information, with Abbott representatives as appropriate. You also agree to being contacted by Abbott by mail, telephone or by non-password protected electronic communications, such as emails.

Abbott respects the confidentiality of your personal information. We will not share your personal information except as described above or as otherwise noted in our privacy policy. If at any time you wish to revoke all or part of this permission, you can email us or send a request in writing to:

Abbott Laboratories
Attention: Public Affairs, Department 383
100 Abbott Park Road
Abbott Park, IL 60064-6048


More about speaking with someone who has heart failure

Your discussion with an Ambassador is meant to be a one-on-one conversation with an actual person who has heart failure. They are trained and advised not to disclose any information about you to Abbott or anyone else, but Abbott cannot guarantee that this disclosure will not happen. Therefore, please do not share any personal information about yourself unless you wish to do so.

Abbott does not participate in or monitor your conversation. These people with heart failure are not Abbott employees. Anything they say during your conversation represents the beliefs of the person with heart failure and does not necessarily represent the views of Abbott. Abbott encourages you to consider information about heart failure carefully and discuss with your doctor.

It is not intended to offer medical advice, counseling or technical support for Abbott products. For medical questions, please talk with your doctor.

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