Hi-Torque Connect™ &
Hi-Torque Connect™ Flex

These workhorse peripheral guide wires offer different support and penetration power to access and penetrate soft to heavily calcified lesions.

The Power to Connect

Hi-Torque Connect™ Guide Wire

Hi-Torque Connect™ .018 peripheral workhorse guidewire for soft to moderately calcified lesions

Supportive—for focal stenosis. This workhorse guide wire has a supportive body, soft tip, and polymer cover.

4.4 g tip load* for soft to moderately calcified lesions1

Hi-Torque Connect™ Flex Guide Wire

Hi-Torque Connect™ .018 peripheral workhorse guidewire for soft to moderately calcified lesions

Trackable—for tortuous anatomy. This workhorse guide wire has a flexible body, stiff tip, and polymer cover.

14.9 g tip load* for moderately calcified lesions1

Ordering information for Hi-Torque Connect™ 250 T Guide Wires can be found in the Specialty Guide Wire Section.

Options for Hi-Torque Connect™ and Hi-Torque Connect™ Flex Guide Wires


Choose varying levels of support to provide options for lesion crossing in straight to tortuous anatomies


Select either 4.4 g or 14.9 g tip load*, and corresponding penetration powers, to enhance crossing the lesion in either soft or moderate calcification


The core-to-tip guide wire design enables outstanding torque performance and control

Connect Family Tip Loads

Ordering information for Hi-Torque Connect™ 250 T Guide Wires can be found in the Specialty Guide Wire Section.

Ordering Information

ProductPart NumberDiameterLengthTip Load*Tip Style
Hi-Torque Connect™10125870.018 in145 cm4.4 gCore-To-Tip
Hi-Torque Connect™10125880.018 in195 cm4.4 g
Hi-Torque Connect™10125890.018 in300 cm4.4 g
Hi-Torque Connect™ Flex10125900.018 in145 cm14.9 g
Hi-Torque Connect™ Flex10125910.018 in195 cm
14.9 g
Hi-Torque Connect™ Flex10125920.018 in300 cm14.9 g

*Data on file at Abbott.


  1. Tóth GG, Yamane M, Heyndrickx GR. Heart. 2015;101:645–652.

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