Intravascular Imaging Products

Intravascular Imaging Products

Guide PCI Planning and Treatment Decisions With Abbott's Intravascular Imaging Portfolio

Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) is Abbott's intravascular imaging modality used during PCI to guide treatment decisions.

OCT provides automated, accurate measurements to help guide stent selection, placement and deployment.1 OCT reduces ambiguities impacting vessel prep, stent sizing and expansion to deliver optimal results.2

Intravascular imaging with OCT is performed using Ultreon™ 1.0 Software, Dragonfly™ Imaging Catheters, and the OPTIS™ Imaging Systems.

Ultreon™ 1.0 Software

Ultreon™ 1.0 Software is the next-generation imaging and physiology software powered by AI. Streamlined and intuitive, Ultreon™ Software gives better insights to optimize patient outcomes through automation and improved workflow.3-6

Ultreon 1.0 Software

OPTIS™ Imaging Systems

The OPTIS™ Next and OPTIS™ Imaging Systems offer OCT imaging and coronary physiology on one platform with seamless integration into the cath lab and PCI workflow.

Optis Imaging Systems

Dragonfly OpStar™ Imaging Catheter

Dragonfly OpStar™ Imaging Catheter is the latest generation imaging catheter designed to navigate tortuous anatomy to access distal lesions and provides brighter and higher quality images to achieve true confidence.

Dragonfly OPTIS Imaging Catheter

Dragonfly™ OPTIS™ Imaging Catheter

The Dragonfly™ OPTIS™ Imaging Catheter offers anatomical insight and advanced high-resolution imaging.

Dragonfly OPTIS Imaging Catheter

Learn More About OCT Imaging and the Latest Clinical Outcomes


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  1. Reyes, M. The next innovation in PCI is not a stent. The value of OCT. CathLab Digest. Oct 6, 2019. Volume 27, Issue 10.
  2. Bezerra, H. et al: Analysis of changes in decision-making process during OCT-guided PCI - Insights from the LightLab Initiative. EuroPCT2020 Presentation.
  3. Data on file at Abbott.
  4. Zhang J, et al. Intravasculard ultrasound versus angiography-guided drug-eluting stent implantation: the ULTIMATE trial. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2018;72(24):3126-3137. doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2018.09.013.
  5. Hong M, et al. IVUS-XPL 5 Year Outcomes, TCT 2019.
  6. Jones et al. JACC Cardiovascular Interventions, 2018, vol 11 (14). Angiography Alone Versus Angiography Plus Optical Coherence Tomography to Guide Percutaneous Coronary Intervention — Outcomes From the Pan-London PCI Cohort.

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