Ultreon™ 1.0 Software

Experience the Power of Automation

Ultreon 1.0 Software has step-by-step guidance to streamline the use of OCT intravascular imaging and RFR/FFR, prioritizing ease of use for interventional cardiologists (ICs)

Physiology Workflow For A Comprehensive Diagnosis

Ultreon™ Software offers a comprehensive diagnostic solution to measure physiological indices at stress (FFR) or rest (RFR).

Ultreon™ Software provides a user-friendly interface with an easy option to start imaging or physiology for a selected case.

Ultreon Software user-friendly interface

Physiology interface

Physiology Review screen displays the RFR value along the pressure gradient captured from the RFR Pullback

The streamlined1 physiology interface provides:

  • Simple instructions for setup and measurement of fractional flow reserve (FFR) and resting full-cycle ratio (RFR)
  • Option to easily toggle between FFR and RFR modes or to preset a mode per physician’s preference
  • Clear visuals* of physiological indices and waveform for rapid assessment


*Compared to AptiVue™ Imaging Software

  1. Data on file at Abbott.

MAT-2413973 V1.0