Ultreon™ 1.0 Software

Experience the Power of Automation

Ultreon™ Software: Streamlining PCI Workflow with OCT

Ultreon™ 1.0 Software guides physicians through PCI step-by-step following MLD MAX workflow and provides insights on morphology, vessel sizing, stent placement and post-stent optimization for more accurate decision-making.1

Pre-PCI Guidance with Ultreon™ Software

Morphology: Automatic calcium detection2

Ultreon™ Software uses artificial intelligence (AI) to automatically detect and quantify calcification.1

Augmentation of calcification is highlighted in orange.

  • An orange arc around the cross-sectional view indicates the presence of calcium
  • Arc is displayed when calcium angle is at or above 60 degrees of circumferential calcium
  • The white triangle, marked by the red circle, in the cross-sectional view indicates maximum calcium thickness [in the current frame]
  • Total angle and max thickness values are displayed in real time throughout pullback
  • Co-registration allows the user to visualize the calcium on the angio still frame

When calcification assessment is complete, a user can click on the Sizing tab to proceed to the next step of stent sizing evaluation.

Morphology screen displaying angle and max thickness of calcification

Sizing: Automatic detection of vessel diameter via EEL or Lumen2

Ultreon™ 1.0 Software uses artificial intelligence (AI) to automatically detect external elastic lamina (EEL) and lumen to help identify landing zones for accurate stent placement.1,3

  • Length: Angiography co-regitration facilitates identification of accurate length
  • Diameter: External elastic lamina (EEL) and lumen help identify landing zones in healthy tissue for stent placement3
    • Lumen shown as a solid white or red contour line
    • EEL shown as the dotted white line in the cross-sectional image and lumen profile
Ultreon™ Software sizing screen displays sizing for vessel length and diameter

Sizing screen displays a four panel view:2

  1. Current selected frame
  2. Proximal reference frame
  3. Distal reference frame
  4. Maximized lumen profile – user can maximize the lumen profile by clicking on the icon at top left corner of lumen profile view.

Once sizing assessment is complete, a user can move to the next step by clicking Deployment tab.

Ultreon™ Software displays a four panel view sizing screen

Deployment: Facilitation of precise stent deployment2

Ultreon™ Software facilitates accurate stent deployment through co-registered and live angio views side-by-side.

  • Users can select a full-screen co-registered view if desired.

Once the stent deployment is complete, a user can move to the next step by clicking Review tab for post-PCI optimization.

Ultreon™ Software displays stent deployment screen with angio co-registration

Post-PCI Guidance with Ultreon™ Software

Review: Post-stent optimization2

Ultreon™ Software dispalys instantaneous calculations of expansion and apposition values, reference lumen diameter and lumen diameter values in color-coded markers:

  • Stent underexpansion indicator—orange
  • Stent malapposition indicator—yellow
Ultreon™ Software displays post-PCI review screen with stent expansion values

Malapposition Indicator2

Ultreon™ Software helps ICs to quickly detect stent malapposition on the cross-sectional and lumen profile views:

  • On the cross-sectional view, malapposed struts are indicated by yellow dots if the gap between the strut and the vessel wall exceeds the user’s preselected threshold setting.
  • On the Lumen profile, malapposted zones are indicated by yellow bands when there’s a cluster of malapposed strutrs of length ≥ 1 mm and maximum circumferential angle ≥ 90 degrees
Ultreon™ Software displays Malapposition Indicator on the Review screen

Pullback Comparison2

Physicians can quickly compare any two pullbacks by clicking on the Menu icon in the upper right corner. See the result of your PCI through vessel visualization pre and post-stenting on one screen.

Ultreon™ Software displays pullback comparison screen


  1. Data on File at Abbott.
  2. Ultreon™ 1.0 Software IFU. Refer to Instructions For Use (IFU) for additional information.
  3. Prati F, et al. Clinical impact of OCT findings during PCI: the CLI-OPCI II study. JACC: Cardiovasc Imaging. 2015;8(11):1297-1305. doi: 10.1016/j.jcmg.2015.08.013.

MAT-2208462 V1.0.